Thesis Formatting Guidelines for Master’s Degree

A thesis for Master’s degree is a piece of research made by students which usually involves producing an original and thoroughly researched document that shows just how much knowledge they have acquired throughout their degree. This piece of scholarship is usually made in the last academic year of the student and requires independent research of which includes surveys, interviews, and personal experiments and experiences. In a nutshell, this thesis is taken as the final test of knowledge before graduating.

Many schools today dictate how long a thesis should be. Generally, a typical document of this sort ranges from 60 pages to 100 pages which are approximately 20,000 to 40,000 words. As a result of the complex and overwhelming structure of this document, an advisor is given to every master’s student to provide support and guidance to the student throughout the process of this research. When this thesis is completed, its quality is expected to be very high; high enough to be published. This is why students routinely send to their advisor, snippets from the document to get assurance that they are on the right track.

Master’s Thesis Template

A template is a guide that can be used by a degree-seeking student in writing a thesis. This tool is very useful and is capable of producing an excellent master’s thesis if followed adequately during the writing process. A masters thesis template can be issued by the institution or can be gotten by the student from other sources. To get a perfect thesis, it is important to follow a master thesis template:

Master’s Thesis Template

Master’s Thesis Format

A template for master’s thesis contains the format for writing a thesis. From the font size to the references and page layout, formatting a master’s thesis means following the required value for all of these.

  1. Page Layout

Pages of a thesis are made 8  by 11 inches. The top and bottom margins must be 1” while the left and right margins are made 1.5”. Following these specifications gives room for binding double-sided pages. Latest S

  1. Page Numbering

The number of a page is made just below the bottom margin; exactly 0.7 inches. The number should stand alone without the inclusion of the word “page.” Although the title page is the first preliminary page, it doesn’t display a number. Instead, it displays a lower case Roman numeral like every other preliminary page. The table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, and acknowledgments are labeled using a lower case Roman numeral while the Body of the text, appendices, and reference are labeled using Arabic numerals.

  1. Spacing

Double spacing between sentences is no longer adopted. Instead, single spacing is now used in the recent master thesis format.

  1. Copyright Page

The copyright page includes the word “Copyright” written together with the symbol © at the front of it, followed by the proposed year of graduation, and then the full legal name of the author. A copyright notice is composed below this line and with this, the copyright licence has been agreed upon by the student.

  1. Title Page

Just 2 inches from the top of the paper, the title is written. The title is expected to be very clear and focused. A title with multiple lines is written in an inverted pyramid format. If the title also contains a subtitle, the subtitle should be written on a separate line.

  1. Committee Approval Page

2 inches from the top of the page, the words “Committee Approval” are written. Below this line, the thesis title is written exactly as it appears on the title page. In the next line, your full name is printed, and just below your name, the phrase “Read and Approved by” is printed followed by the name of your thesis committee. Each name on the committee list is written together with the professional title of the person

  1. Table of Contents

This includes all levels of headings. It shouldn’t be of excessive length. This means only first-and-second level headings are permitted.

  1. Acknowledgments

This is a page written to acknowledge specific persons for their influence in writing the thesis

  1. Main Text

The main text is the main body of the research and each chapter begins with a title.

  1. References

This is the last page of the thesis. The word “References” is written 2 inches from the top of the paper. This page shows every work cited in the thesis


A master’s thesis format is made with utmost precision. This means all of the rules and specifications should be followed very precisely. The master thesis format here will help you in a professional plot.

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